Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brooklyn man kills comparison hermit after evidence cops say

A 31-year-old man was murdered in intolerable conform in Brooklyn on Tuesday - stabbed in the chest by his younger brother, military and kin said.Ji-liek English was bad-mouthing a assistant at a Food Dynasty grocery in Crown Heights when his brother, Melson (LT) Simpson, 31, came to the girls aid, dual alternative office at the store said.The brothers got in to a nasty evidence that one after another as they exited the store and went inside 180 Troy Ave., a construction opposite the street, where their family lives."Ji-liek was opposite the street, yelling threats, and afterwards LT proposed chasing after him," pronounced assistant Andrea Mullgrav, 46, who watched by a window of the grocery as the play unfolded."They ran in to 180. Then LT came out; he was already stabbed. He fell, afterwards he got up and thats when we saw the blood."Simpson died at a internal hospital; his hermit was still at large early Tuesday night, military said."I went to the hospital, but he was left prior to I got there," pronounced Simpsons repelled sister, Ziquasia Green. 
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